КИБЕРПРАВО. Дополнительная литература на иностранных языках (2020)

  1. Abbott R. The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law. Cambridge University Press. 2020.
  2. Ajunwa I. Algorithms at work: productivity monitoring applications and wearable technology as the new data-centric research agenda for employment and labor law. Saint Louis university law journal. 2019.
  3. Amoretti F. Electronic Constitution: Social, Cultural, and Political Implications. London: Information Science Reference. 2009. 310 p.
  4. Anagnostopoulos A., Castillo C., Fazzone A., Leonardi S., Terzi E. Algorithms for Hiring and Outsourcing in the Online Labor Market / KDD ’18 Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. New York. 2018. P. 1109–1118.
  5. Ashford N.A., Hall R.P. The Importance of Regulation-Induced Innovation for Sustainable Development. Sustainability. 2011. No 3. P. 270–292.
  6. Ashley K.D. Artificial Intelligence and Legal Analytics: New Tools for Law Practice in the Digital Age. Cambridge University Press. 2017. 450 p.
  7. Ashley K.D. Modeling Legal Argument: Reasoning with Cases and Hypotheticals. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 1990. 329 p.
  8. Balkin J.M. The Path of Robotics Law. California Law Review Circuit. 2015. Vol. 6. P. 45–60.
  9. Barfield W., Williams A. Law, Cyborgs, and Technologically Enhanced Brains. Philosophies. 2017. Vol. 2. No 6.
  10. Barr A., Cohen P.R., Feigenbaum E.A. The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence. 1st ed. Stanford University: HeurisTech Press. 1981. 397 p.
  11. Barraud B. Le coup de data permanent: la loi des algorithmes. 2017.
  12. Benhamou S., Janin L. Intelligence artificielle et travail. Rapport à la ministre du travail et au secrétaire d’État auprès du Premier ministre, chargé du numérique. 2018.
  13. Bensoussan A., Bensoussan J. Droit des robots. Bruxelles: Larcier. 2015. 168 p.
  14. Berman P.S. Cyberspace and the State Action Debate: The Cultural Value of Applying Constitutional Norms to “Private” Regulation. University of Colorado Law Review. 2000. Vol. 71. P. 1263–1310.
  15. Birgillito G., Birgillito M. Algorithms and ratings: tools to manage la-bour relations. Proposals to renegotiate labour conditions for platform drivers. Labour & Law Issues. 2018. Vol. 4. No 2. P. 25–50.
  16. Bridgers A. Will workplaces be going off the rails on the blockchain?
  17. Brozek B., Jakubiec M. On the legal responsibility of autonomous ma-chines. Artificial Intelligence and Law. 2017. Vol. 25. Iss. 3. P. 293–304.
  18. Bryson J.J., Diamantis M.E., Grant T.D. Of, for, and by the people: the legal lacuna of synthetic persons. Artificial Intelligence and Law. 2017. Vol. 25. Iss. 3. P. 273–291.
  19. Buchanan B.G., Headrick T.E. Some Speculation About Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning // Stanford Law Review. 1970. Vol. 23. No 1. P. 40–62.
  20. Buiten M.C. Towards Intelligent Regulation of Artificial Intelligence // European Journal of Risk Regulation. 2019. No 10. P. 41–59.
  21. Calo R., Froomkin A.M., Kerr I. Robot Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2016. 424 p.
  22. Casilli A. En attendant les robots: enquête sur le travail du clic. Paris: Editions du Seuil. 2019. 400 p.
  23. Casilli A., Posada J. The Platformization of Labor and Society. In MGraham & WHDutton (ed.), Society and the Internet; How Networks of In-formation and Communication are Changing Our Lives. 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2019. P. 293–306.
  24. Cath C. Governing artificial intelligence: ethical, legal and technical opportunities and challenges // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2018. P. 376.
  25. Celeste E. Digital Constitutionalism: Mapping the Constitutional Response to Digital Technology’s Challenges. HIIG Discussion Paper Series. 2018. No 2.
  26. Celeste E. Terms of Service and Bills of Rights: New Mechanisms of Constitutionalisation in the Social Media Environment? International Review of Law, Computer and Technology. 2019. Vol. 33. No 2. P. 122–138.
  27. Chae Y. U.S. AI Regulation Guide: Legislative Overview and Practical Considerations // Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law. 2020. Vol. 3. No 1. P. 17–40.
  28. Cheatham B., K. Javanmardian B., Samandari H. Confronting the risks of artificial intelligence. April 2019.
  29. Chéronnet A., Giraux M. Analyse algorithmique des données judiciaires : de l’aide à la décision à la justice prédictive. 18 october 2017.
  30. Cherry M.A. The Gamification of Work. Hofstra Law Review. 2012. Vol. 40. P. 851–858.
  31. Chesalina O. Access to social security for digital platform workers in Germany and in Russia: a comparative study. Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal. 2018. Vol. 7. No 1–2. P. 17–28.
  32. Choudary S.P. The architecture of digital labour platforms: Policy recommendations on platform design for worker well-being. ILO future of work research paper series. Geneva: ILO. 2018. 55 р.
  33. Christensen C.M. The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. 1997. 228 p.
  34. Ciampi C. Artificial Intelligence and Legal Information Systems. Vol. I: Edited Versions of Selected Papers from the International Conference on “Logic, Informatics, Law”. Florence, Italy. April 1981. North-Holland, Amsterdam. 1982. 476 p.
  35. Clausen J., Fetz E., Donoghue J., Ushiba J., Spörhase U. et al. Help, hope, and hype: Ethical dimensions of neuroprosthetics. Science. 2017. Vol. 356. Iss. 6345. P. 1338–1339.
  36. Dabosville B. Protection of Employees Personal Information and Privacy in France. Protection of Employees’ Personal Information and Privacy. Tokyo: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training. 2014. Report No 14. P. 31–48.
  37. Dachs B. The impact of new technologies on the labour market and the social economy. Study. European Parliamentary research service. Brussels. February 2018. 64 p.
  38. Davidov G. The Status of Uber Drivers: A Purposive Approach. Span-ish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal. 2017. No 6. P. 6–15.
  39. De Stefano V. “Negotiating the Algorithm”: Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Labour Protection. ILO Employment Working Paper. Geneva: ILO. 2018. No 246. 38 p.
  40. De Stefano V., Aloisi A. Fundamental labour rights, platform work and human-rights protection of non-standard workers. Bocconi legal studies research paper series. 2018. No 1. 23 p.
  41. De Vos M. Work 4.0 and the future of labour law. SSRN Electronic Journal. January 2018.
  42. Dibbell J. Invisible Labor, Invisible Play: Online Gold Farming and the Boundary Between Jobs and Games. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law. 2016. Vol. 18. No 3. P. 419–465.
  43. Ducorps-Prouvost E. Le droit du travail face aux enjeux de l’intelligence artificielle: tome 1 d’une trilogie. 2018.
  44. Eidenmueller H. The Rise of Robots and the Law of Humans. Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper. 2017. No 27. 15 p.
  45. Erdelyi O.J., Goldsmith J. Regulating Artificial Intelligence Proposal for a Global Solution. 2018.
  46. Ernst E., Merola R., Samaan D. The economics of artificial intelligence: implications for the future of work. Geneva: ILO. 2018. 41 р.
  47. Estlund C. What Should We Do after Work? Automation and Employment Law. Yale Law Journal. 2018. Vol. 128. No 2. P. 254–326.
  48. Eun-jin K. Korean Government to Repeal Regulations in AI Industry December 18, 2019.
  49. Fitzgerald B. Software as Discourse? A Constitutionalism for Information Society. Alternative Law Journal. 1999. Vol. 24. No 3.
  50. Flaspöler E., Reinert D. Expert forecast on emerging physical risks related to occupational safety and health. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Belgium. 2005. 82 р.
  51. Foerst A. Artificial sociability: from embodied AI toward new understandings of personhood // Technology in Society. 1999. Vol. 21. Iss. 4. P. 373–386.
  52. Ford M. Rise of the robots: technology and the threat of a jobless future. New York. Basic Books. 2015. 81 p.
  53. Frank A. How artificial intelligence will impact the future of work. Simpler Media Group. 2018.
  54. Frey C.B., Osborne M.A. The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Elsevier. 2017. Vol. 114. Р. 254–280.
  55. Gill L., Redeker D., Gasser U. Towards Digital Constitutionalism? Mapping Attempts to Craft an Interne t Bill of Rights. Berkman Center Re-search Publication. 2015. No 15.
  56. Gürkaynak G., Yılmaz I., Doygun T., İnce E. Questions of intellectual property in the artificial intelligence realm. Robotics Law Journal. 2017. September-October. P. 9–11.
  57. Hallevy G. When Robots Kill: Artificial Intelligence under Criminal Law. University Press of New England. 2013. С. 177–178.
  58. Hamzelou J. Brain implant boosts human memory by mimicking how we learn. New Scientist. 13 November 2017.
  59. Harari Yu.N. Homo Deus: a brief history of tomorrow. Harvill Secker. 2015. 448 p.
  60. Harris S.D., Krueger A.B. A Proposal for Modernizing Labor Laws for Twenty-First-Century Work: The “Independent Worker”. The Hamilton Project. Discussion Paper. December 2015. 40 р.
  61. Hernæs Ch.O. Artificial Intelligence, Legal Responsibility and Civil Rights. 22 Aug 2015.
  62. Joerges Ch., Sand I.-J., Teubner G. Transnational Governance and Constitutionalism. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 2004. 408 p.
  63. Kennedy E.J. Employed by an algorithm: labor rights in the on-demand economy. Seattle UL Review. 2016. Vol. 40. P. 987–1048.
  64. Kim T.W. Gamification of Labor and the Charge of Exploitation. Jour-nal of Business Ethics. 2018. Vol. 152. Iss. 1. P. 27–39.
  65. Koops E.-J., Di Carlo A., Nocco L., Casamassima V., Stradella E. Robotic Technologies and Fundamental Rights: Robotics Challenging the European Constitutional Framework // International Journal of Technoethics. Vol. 4. 2013. No 2. P. 1198–1219.
  66. Krasadakis G. Artificial intelligence: the impact on employment and the workforce. 2018.
  67. La Raudière L. de. La fabrique de la loi à l’ère du numérique. Enjeux numériques. 2018. No 3. P. 73–76.
  68. Maia A.F. The Legal Status of Artificially Intelligent Robots: Personhood, Taxation and Control. 1 June 2017.
  69. Markou Ch. The Conflict of Law and Technology: A Systems Theory of Arificial Intelligence Regulation. The University of Cambridge. Faculty of Law.
  70. McCarty L.T. Finding the Right Balance in Artificial Intelligence and Law. In book: Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence. Chapter: 3. Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2017. P.55–87.
  71. McCarty L.T. Reflections on “Taxman”: An Experiment in Artificial Intelligence and Legal Reasoning // Harvard Law Review 1977. Vol. 90. P. 837–893.
  72. Mercader Uguina J.R., Muñoz Ruiz A.B. Robotics and Health and Safety at Work. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation. 2019. Vol. 8 Iss. 1.
  73. Moore Ph.V. Artificial Intelligence: Occupational Safety and Health and the Future of Work. 2018.
  74. Moore Ph.V. The Threat of Physical and Psychosocial Violence and Harassment in Digitalized Work. International Labour Office. Geneva. 2018. 52 р.
  75. Moravec H.P. Mind children. The future of robot and human intelligence. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988. 224 p.
  76. Morris G. Protection of Employees Personal Information and Privacy in English Law. Protection of Employees’ Personal Information and Privacy. Tokyo: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training. 2014. Report No 14. P. 71–92.
  77. Murphy B.J. Do robots deserve the right to Unionize?
  78. Nagele-Piazza L. How is artificial intelligence changing the workplace? Society for human resource management, November 2018.
  79. Nemitz P. Constitutional Democracy and Technology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 18 August 2018.
  80. Nevejans N. Règles européennes de droit civil en robotique. Étude. Bruxelles : Departement thematique C : Droits des citoyens et affaires constitutionnelles. 2016.
  81. Nevejans N. Traité de Droit et d’éthique de la robotique civile. Bordeaux: LEH Édition. 2017. 1230 p.
  82. Oswalt M.M., Rosado Marzán C.F. Organizing the State: The “New Labor Law” Seen from the Bottom-Up. Berkeley Journal of Employment & Labor Law. 2018. Vol. 39. Iss. 2. P. 415–480.
  83. Pagallo U. The Laws of Robots: Crimes, Contracts, and Torts (Law, Governance and Technology Series). Springer Science & Business Media. 2013. 181 p.
  84. Parker C.B. Artificial intelligence will both disrupt and benefit the workplace, Stanford scholar says. Stanford News. 2018.
  85. Pasquale F.A. A Rule of Persons, Not Machines: The Limits of Legal Automation. Washington Law Review. 2019 Vol. 87 No 1.
  86. Petit N. Law and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Robots – Conceptual Framework and Normative Implications.
  87. Pinna A., Ibba S. A blockchain-based decentralized system for proper handling of temporary employment contracts. November 2017.
  88. Pizzoferrato A. Platform Workers in the Italian Legal System. Italian Labour Law e-Journal. 2019. Issue 1. Vol. 12.
  89. Portuné R. Psychosocial Risks in the Workplace: An Increasing Challenge for German and International Health Protection. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. 2012. Vol. 63. No 2. P. 123–131.
  90. Prassl J., Risak M. Uber, taskrabbit, and co.: Platforms as employers-rethinking the legal analysis of crowdwork. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal. Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper. 2015. Vol. 37. P. 619–650.
  91. Pretelli I. Conflict of laws in the maze of digital platforms / Le droit international privé dans le labyrinthe des plateformes digitales. Schulthess. 2019. 343 p.
  92. Redeker D., Gill L., Gasser U. Towards Digital Constitutionalism? Mapping Attempts to Craft an Internet Bill of Rights. International Communication Gazette. Vol. 80. 2018. No 4. P. 302–319.
  93. Rissland E.L. Artificial Intelligence and Law: Stepping Stones to a Model of Legal Reasoning // Yale Law Journal. 1990. Vol. 99. No 8. P. 1957–1981.
  94. Rosen J., Wittes B. Constitution 3.0: Freedom and Technological Change. Washington: Brookings Institution Press. 2011. 271 p.
  95. Rosenblat A. Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Rules of Work. 1st ed. Oakland, California: University of California Press. 2018. 296 p.
  96. Sales É. La transformation de l’écriture de la Constitution, l’exemple islandais. Dans Les Nouveaux Cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel. 2017. Vol. 57. No 4. P. 45–57.
  97. Scherer M.U. Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems: Risks, Challenges, Competencies, and Strategies // Harvard Journal of Law & Technology. 2016. Vol. 29. Nо 2. P. 353–400.
  98. Scholten C., Barneveld, Van J., Henshaw M., Tapus A., Vanderborght B. etc. Scientific Foresight study. Ethical Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems. Strasbourg: European Parliamentary Research Service. European Parliament. 2016. 130 p.
  99. Seghezzi F., Tiraboschi M. Italy’s Industry 4.0 Plan: An Analysis from a Labour Law Perspective. E-Journal of International and Comparative La-bour Studies. 2018. Vol. 7. No 1. 39 р.
  100. Simonite T. Algorithms that Learn with Less Data Could Expand AI’s Power. MIT Technology Review. May 2016.
  101. Smuhaa N.A. From a “Race to AI” to a “Race to AI Regulation”: Regulatory Competition for Artificial Intelligence. Working Paper. 2019.
  102. Solaiman S.M. Legal personality of robots, corporations, idols and chimpanzees: a quest for legitimacy. Artificial Intelligence and Law. 2017. Vol. 25. Iss. 2. P. 155–179.
  103. Solum L.B. Legal Personhood for Artificial Intelligences. North Caro-lina Law Review. 1992. Vol. 70. No 4. P. 1231–1287.
  104. Southwell A.H., Vandevelde E.D., Walther M. 2019 Artificial Intelligence and Automated Systems Annual Legal Review. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. 2020. 45 p.
  105. Stacey N., Ellwood P., Bradbrook S., Reynolds J., Williams H., Lye D. Foresight on new and emerging occupational safety and health risks associated with digitalisation by 2025. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 2018. 159 р.
  106. Stone P. et al. Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030. One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence: Report of the 2015–2016. Stanford. Stanford University. 2016. 52 p.
  107. Streel A. de, Jacquemin H. L’intelligence artificielle et le droit. Larcier. 2017. 482 p.
  108. Sullivan Ch.A. Employing AI. Seton Hall Public Law Research Paper. February 2018.
  109. Susskind R.E. Expert systems in law: a jurisprudential approach to artificial intelligence and legal reasoning // Modern Law Review. 1986. Vol. 49. Iss. 2. P. 168–194.
  110. Suteu S. Constitutional Conventions in the Digital Era: Lessons from Iceland and Ireland. Boston College International & Comparative Law Review. 2015. Vol. 38. No 2. P. 251–276.
  111. Suzor N. Digital Constitutionalism and the Role of the Rule of Law in the Governance of Virtual Communities. PhD Thesis, Queensland University of Technology. 2010.
  112. Teubner G. Constitutional Fragments. Societal Constitutionalism and Globalization. Oxford Scholarship Online. 2012.
  113. Thüsing G. Data Protection in the Employment Relationship. The German View. Protection of Employees’ Personal Information and Privacy. Tokyo: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training. 2014. Report No 14. P. 5–30.
  114. Todolí-Signes A. Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Automated Decisions about Workers and the Risks of Discrimination: The Necessary Col-lective Governance of Data Protection. SSRN Electronic Journal. 2018.
  115. Tubaro P., Casilli A. Micro-work, artificial intelligence and the auto-motive industry. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. 2019.
  116. Turner J. Robot Rules. Regulating Artificial Intelligence. Palgrave Macmillan. 2019.
  117. Valenduc G., Vendramin P. The Mirage of the End of Work. Brussels: ETUI. March 2019. 16 p.
  118. Vallas S.P., Kovalainen A. Work and Labor in the Digital Age. Emer-ald Publishing Limited. 2019. Vol. 33. 208 p.
  119. Vercamer S. Stress at work. Report. Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development. 4 December 2018.
  120. Villani C. «Donner un sens à l’intelligence artificielle». Paris: Direction de l’information légale et administrative. 2018. 233 p.
  121. Villani C. Donner un sens à l’intelligence artificielle. Paris: Direction de l’information légale et administrative. 2018. 233 p.
  122. Volkova I.I. Four pillars of gamification. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 2013. Т. 13. P. 149–152.
  123. Walker J. Researchers shut down AI that invented its own language. 21 July 2017.
  124. Weng Y-H. et al. Intersection of “Tokku” special zone, robots, and the law: a case study on legal impacts to humanoid robots. International Journal of Social Robotics. 2015. Vol. 7. Iss. 5. P. 841–857.
  125. Wickers Th. L’intelligence artificielle et la justice. Les applications possibles et le cadre de déploiement // Cahiers de droit de l’entreprise. 2019. No 4. P. 33–36.
  126. Wisskirchen G. Artificial intelligence and the workplace. ABA Inter-national labor and employment law committee midyear meeting. 2018.
  127. Wisskirchen G., Biacabe B.Th., Bormann U. and etc. Artificial intel-ligence and robotics and their impact on the workplace. IBA Global Employment Institute. 2017.
  128. Wixted F., Shevlin M., O’Sullivan L.W. Distress and worry as mediators in the relationship between psychosocial risks and upper body musculoskeletal complaints in highly automated manufacturing. 15 March 2018.
  129. Xavier B. Chapitre 7. Vers un statut juridique des androïdes ? Journal International de Bioéthique. 2013. Vol. 24. No 4. P. 85–98.
  130. Yadong C. Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Modernization. Springer. 2020. 224 p.
  131. Yan S. Artificial intelligence will replace half of all jobs in the next decade, says widely followed technologist. 27 April 2017.
  132. You S., Robert L.P. Human–Robot Similarity and Willingness to Work with a Robotic Coworker. HRI ’18 Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 2018. P. 251–260.
  133. Yukdowsky E. Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk. Global Catastrophic Risks. New York: Oxford University Press. 2008. 46 p.
  134. Zogg B. L’Europe et la course à l’Intelligence Artificielle // Politique de sécurité: analyses du CSS. 2019. No 247. P. 1–4.

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Изменения законодательства в научно-технической сфере

  1. Дашкова М.О. Основные изменения российского законодательства в научно-технической сфере за 2019 год // Управление наукой и наукометрия. 2020. Т. 15. № 1. С. 72-91. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osnovnye-izmeneniya-rossiyskogo-zakonodatelstva-v-nauchno-tehnicheskoy-sfere-za-2019-god
  2. Калятин В.О. Развитие системы регулирования распоряжения правами на интеллектуальную Читать далее

Леонтьев А.Н. КИБЕРПРАВО. Контрольная работа (2020)

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  1. Информационные правоотношения.
  2. Предмет и метод отрасли информационного права.
  3. Принципы правового регулирования информационных отношений.
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  7. Возникновение и становление киберправа.
  8. Источники и принципы киберправа.
  9. Информация как объект прав. Современное понимание информации в праве.
  10. Отличительные признаки правоотношений в цифровой сфере.
  11. Субъекты информационного правоотношения.
  12.  Программа (алгоритм) как субъект деяния.
  13. Развитие понимания «объекты информационного правоотношения» в цифровой сфере. 
  14. Содержание информационного правоотношения
  15. Основания возникновения, изменения и прекращения правоотношения в цифровой сфере.
  16. Правовая оценка места и роли искусственного интеллекта.
  17. Конституционные гарантии прав на информацию
  18. Право и права. Цифровые права граждан и организаций. 
  19. Институты права в цифровой сфере. Персональные данные. 
  20. Обладатель информации и его правовая характеристика.
  21. Правовое регулирование доступа в сеть «Интернет». Кибербезопасность. 
  22. Основные нормативные акты Российской Федерации в цифровой сфере. 
  23. Международные нормы в сфере информационной безопасности
  24. Неурегулированные правом области цифровой сферы. Дискуссия о правах роботов.
  25. Понятие и назначение законодательства об информации и открытых данных 
  26. Правовое содержание понятия «информационные технологии». 
  27. Правовое содержание понятия «информационные системы».
  28. Основные понятия 149-ФЗ “Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите информации”.
  29. Нормативно-правовое содержание понятий: стандарт, формат, протокол. 
  30. Исключительные права и их оборот в цифровой сфере. 
  31. Правовые информационные системы. 
  32. Блокчейн – особенности и перспективы применения в правовой сфере.
  33. Новейшие информационные технологии: обзор и перспективы их правового обеспечения. 
  34. Информационное пространство личности и защита персональных данных в условиях транспарентности информационного общества.
  35. Правовые аспекты регулирования искусственного интеллекта.
  36. Правовые аспекты регулирования больших данных.
  37. Правовые аспекты защиты тайны (государственной, банковской, коммерческой, медицинской, личной, семейной) в условиях .
  38. Цифровой бизнес и проблемы его правового обеспечения.
  39. Правовые аспекты регулирования электронного образования.
  40. Правовые аспекты регулирования распознавания личности. Электронный след. 
  41. Международное информационное право и направления его развития.
  42. Правовые основания возникновения электронного государства.
  43. Виды юридической ответственности в информационной сфере
  44. Уголовная ответственность в сфере компьютерной информации
  45. Административная ответственность в области связи и информации
  46. Гражданско-правовая ответственность в цифровой сфере 
  47. Дисциплинарная ответственность информационных работников
  48. Материальная ответственность в цифровой сфере. 
  49. Правоохранительные и специальные органы в сфере связи и информации
  50. Электронное правосудие.